HIGH COUNTRY HOLIDAY CLASSIC: Watauga girls edge Ashe County for title

HobbsDailyReport.com HIGH COUNTRY HOLIDAY CLASSIC PRESENTED BY VANNOY (all games at Watauga High) GIRLS Wednesday’s results Game 1: Ashe County 65, Central Davidson 35 Game 2: Watauga 67, Winston-Salem Reynolds 37 Thursday, Dec. 29 Game 3: Central Davidson 50, Winston-Salem Reynolds 40, third place Game 4: Watauga 67, Ashe County 50, championship BOYS Wednesday’s retuls Game 1: Apex Friendship 61, …

HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL: Watauga wipes out Maiden’s 11-point lead to win

  Stober throws for 5 scores as Hickory rumbles past S. Caldwell;  Bunker Hill starts 2-0 by beating St. Stephens   By CHRIS HOBBS HobbsDailyReport.com Watauga High wiped out an 11-point deficit on Friday night in Boone, rallying to defeat Maiden 23-19 with two fourth-quarter scores. Maiden (1-1) led 19-8 after quarterback Wesley Thompson threw 74 yards to Chris Culliver …

HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL: Watauga freshman named second-team all-state

By CHRIS HOBBS HobbsDailyReport.com Watauga High freshman guard Kate Sears has been selected second-team all-state by the North Carolina Basketball Coaches Association (NCBCA), and she is the only player from Greater Hickory area conferences to make all-state. Sears, who is 5-foot-9, averaged 18.4 points, 5.5 rebounds, 4.3 assists and 1.6 steals per game for the Pioneers, who finished 24-4. She …

HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL: Maiden 47, Watauga 0

By CHRIS HOBBS HobbsDailyReport.com MAIDEN 47, WATAUGA 0 Watauga   o    o    o      o–0 Maiden    21    7    12    7 –47 Scoring summary First quarter M–Chris Culliver 88 kickoff return (kick blocked), 11:47 M–Culliver 49 pass from Ethan Rhodes (Ben Gibbs run), 4:58 M–Gibbs 10 run (Bryson Foard kick), 2:39 Second quarter M–Rhodes 4 …

HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL: Greene steps down after 2 years as Watauga’s head coach

By CHRIS HOBBS HobbsDailyReport.com BOONE — Ethan Greene has resigned after two seasons as head varsity baseball coach at Watauga High. Greene guided the Pioneers to a 9-9 record that included 8-6 last season and a fourth-place finish in the Northwestern 3A-4A. They 1-3 the year before in a season shortened by COVID-19. He is a former Watauga pitcher who …