Chris (right) and Myra (left) hope you enjoy HobbsDailyReport.com.
We are actively seeking additional advertisers… as we continue to want our website to serve readers for FREE.
The only way we can do that is through ads buys… and we can provide ads to meet small and large budgets.
We sell ads for fall sports, winter sports or spring sports and would love to have buyers support our effort for a full school year.
For more info, contact Chris at chobbs001@att.net.
We can do ads for as little as $25 a month… and your ad will be seen by about 100,000 or more prep fans per school year.
Our coverage is the most timely you will find and our ability to put what happened in proper context is top notch, as Chris is the longest active sportswriter (preps, college or pros) working in North Carolina.
We have been slowed and limited for the last eight weeks by our health but are back in the saddle and working on regaining strength after time in three different hospitals and one week in rehab.
Our intention is to return to the traditional pace and content at HobbsDailyReport.com as soon as possible, and just want to be up front that the volume and timeliness our website is known for has been – and will continue to be impacted – as I recover.
It has been a tough six months, starting with breaking my right arm (at the upper socket) in five different places. The arm will not be completely healed until March of next year, a full year since I broke it in a fall while visiting family overseas.
I am now home after a long stay in care after I developed a diabetic wound on my left foot. The antibiotics I received – be careful – caused near renal failure and a rollercoaster ride of two months.
I regret that my health did not allow me to do team varsity football previews after having done so for 47 consecutive years.
We are back … with season-opening scores, standings and schedule for this week’s games:
Our weekly plans (we will work as many hours as our strength and doctors will allow – have occupational and physical therapy and a nurse visit on a weekly basis):
Things we plan to provide you:
— Weekly varsity schedule, all fall sports
— Schedule of varsity fall sports for each day, posted daily
— Nightly varsity results, as reported/gathered
— Varsity football and JV football standings, scores, schedules
— Varsity fall sports standings (likely conference matches only, as soon as possible
— Reports as provided by coaches… we hope to be able to do this nightly.
— We plan to continue, for the 38th straight season, compiling individual varsity football statistics (rushing, passing, receiving, scoring) for the region’s 23 schools we follow… something we started in 1995… and will publish leaders – by conference – as often as possible.
— News as warranted from the Catawba Valley 2A Athletic, Western Foothills 3A, Northwestern 3A-4A, Draughn and Patton as warrented.
This is primarily posted FYI and to thank sports fans in the region for your prayers and patience.
I am going to contribute for as long as I can – my goal is a full 50 years – if the Good Lord is willing.
I have learned a lot this year. Just turned 65 and still enjoy what I do… and plan to do it for as long as I can do it with quality and in a way that adds something to local sports. When I feel (or you let me know you feel) I am not accomplishing that, I will look at what my health says I must do.
I am and will still be the only content producer for our website… which now has more than 7,000 articles since it launched in April 2017 (none are ever taken down, use the search future to find the content you desire).
God Bless you… and please add my mom, Betty, to your prayer list. She will be 92 in October.
I am dedicating my 48th year to the reason I am still here – my wife, Myra, my mom and the coaches we have lost in the last year.
Sending best wishes and prayers for anyone in need. I am not sure when I will begin to be able to get out to games but you can reach me at chobbs001@att.net and please stop by and hello if you’d like to talk football or prep sports if you see me at an event. I am much skinnier and, at least for now, have to use a walker.
Chris Hobbs
Editor, Content Coordinator