The turf is down on a newly built multi-purpose field at The Athletes Lab in Maiden. It’s part of an expansion as the company — focused on helping student-athletes improve their individual skills and learn from personnel who experienced playing high school and college sports — continues to add programs in other sports. The Lab already has a deep roster of teams playing in baseball and softball at various age groups and hopes to add soccer and other sports soon./ATHLETES LAB PHOTO
MAIDEN — The turf is down on the multi-purpose field that is part of the expansion at The Athletes Lab.
The project will allow The Lab — where the focus in on individual and team improvement through workouts and other programs — to add soccer and other sports as it grows in its goal of helping student-athletes maximize their potential.
The Lab is owned by former Maiden High star athlete Grant Rembert, who works closely with his brother, Aaron, and other handpicked coaches and personnel who are former star athletes in the region who played college sports.
Aaron Rembert left a head baseball coaching job at Mars Hill University to help his brother spearhead the launch of The Lab, located in downtown Maiden.
For more information about how the new turf field will impact available programs at The Lab — including team competitions, call (828) 228-3658 or send an email to Aaron Rembert (see ad at top of this page).