They help us provide you with website
devoted to local high school coverage
As we near the home stretch for high school basketball in the South Fork 2A, Northwestern Foothills 2A and Northwestern 3A-4A, we want to publicly thank the coaches and support personnel at the 23 schools in those three conferences for their time, effort and commitment to helping their basketball players gain recognition.
Throughout a season interrupted by COVID-19 we’ve been posting box scores at from games that we receive by e-mail (per our request). That option of providing box scores is open to all 46 varsity basketball teams in the Greater Hickory area that we follow.
While it does take an investment of our time – about five to six hours if you’re typing in and editing boxes from 24 games, as we did today – readers should realize (and be thankful for) the people who make sure the scores and boxes are sent to us. THEY do the legwork that gets everything started… and we appreciate them.

CHRIS HOBBS, editor and content coordinator of and in his 45th year of covering prep sports in the Greater Hickory area.
Below is a list of those contributors… or you can read who reported what game(s) in the “Reported by” line that accompanies the boxes. will be four years old on April 1, and we are hoping to continue for many years to come.
Like any other media business, we have expenses… so we are actively seeking additional advertisers so that we can continue providing a website that follows all varsity sports at all the schools.
If anyone is interested in purchasing ads or discussing that possibility, please contact Chris Hobbs, editor and content coordinator of the website, at,
Our ads are all “click through” and go directly to the designated website when clicked upon, and they are available on the front page and on individual school pages.
Now is the time to get in, as varsity football is just around the corner and our page views rise rapidly in football season. We can share privately just how many people could see your ad.
We thank – and ask that you do as well – the advertisers who drive our website by their support for local student-athletes: Dwayne Wilson Insurance, Burke Mortuary and Athletes Lab.
Those businesses involve folks who are former high school athletes in the area or who have family who played prep sports (some are currently playing) in the region.
The Big 3 allow us to focus our time on being a local sports website devoted to high school athletics and providing readers timely information – a weekly schedule, a daily schedule, results at night and updated standings – and we’re also the website that will give your breaking news before other media.
This week, we were the first media to detail the South Fork 2A’s plans for football seating, etc., and that Lake Norman Charter would not play varsity football this season.
Here’s our list of workhorses in prep basketball (apology to anyone we may have overlooked):
Chip Ashley, East Lincoln boys’ coaching staff
Justin Brittain, Maiden boys’ head coach
Nicki Brittain, Bandys girls’ head coach
Dennis Frye, North Lincoln boys’ head coach
Karen Isbell, South Caldwell girls’ coaching staff
Chet Korczynski, Lake Norman Charter boys’ head coach
Jason Otey, East Lincoln girls’ head coach
Phillip Payne, Watauga boys’ coaching staff
Mike Porter, Lake Norman Charter girls’ head coach
Jerome Ramsey, East Burke boys’ head coach
Amber Reddick, Freedom girls’ head coach
Frank Snider, Maiden girls’ head coach
Bill Torgerson, Watauga girls
Lance Watson, West Lincoln girls’ head coach
Jonathan Watts, Alexander Central SID
Sylvia White, Newton-Conover girls’ head coach