
HobbsDailyReport.com is proud to announce the addition of Bennett Funeral Home to our core group of advertisers who make it possible for us to provide local sports coverage in the Greater Hickory area for FREE.


We are very excited that Robbie Bennett and his staff are showing their support for local student-athletes — joining Dwayne Wilson Insurance, Burke Mortuary and The Athletes Lab – as we continue our journey to become a website that provides information you need in a quick fashion.

Our goal is to be THE place you come to follow high school sports — from who is playing on a given day, where and what time — to nightly results from events, with updated standings.

If you are an avid fan of local sports, especially high schools, we’ve proven we are doing the most timely, most accurate and most thorough job among those reporting in this region. Chris Hobbs, our editor and content coordinator, is beginning his 46th year of reporting locally, and is the longest-serving sports writer still active in Western North Carolina.

First up, Bennett Funeral Home’s advertising will provide readers the ability to view the 2021 high school varsity football schedules for all the schools playing in the area’s new leagues – the Catawba Valley 2A Athletic Conference, the Western Foothills 3A and the Northwestern 3A-4A (they’ll be posted by the end of the weekend).

Our loyal advertisers sponsor all the content you see at HobbsDailyReport.com – more than 6,500 posts since we launched in April 2017 — and we’re at approximately 750,000 page views in that timeframe.

Please thank the people who keep HobbsDailyReport.com going – Robbie, Dwayne Wilson, Michael Burke of Burke Mortuary and Grant Rembert of The Athletes Lab — and their staffs.

Having businesses associated with our website like the four key ones we have are why we work the website every day – 7 days a week — to chronicle what our local athletes are doing. With all that content stored and available, use our search tool to find what you are looking for: for example, if you type in Maiden football the site will provide a list of every post ever made to the site that is about Maiden football.

Again, please welcome Bennett Funeral Home and reach out to thank Robbie and his staff, as all of the high school football coverage you will soon see starting is the result of having the support that allows us to share the content FREE.

Bennett Funeral Home will also be among the sponsors of coverage of all local prep sports, boys and girls, and will be with us the entire 2021-2022 school year.

We’re ready for this school year… count on us.


Chris & Myra Hobbs

Staff of HobbsDailyReport.com


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