DENVER, N.C. – The Denver Nuggets Travel boys’ basketball teams have scheduled tryouts in late March and early April.
Tryouts for grades seven through nine are scheduled at East Lincoln High on March 28 and March 31 an again on April 4 and April 7. The tryout dates for 10th and 115h-grade boys are the same.
Start times are 6 p.m. for 7-9 boys on each date and 7:30-9 p.m. for grades 10-11.
All basketball players in Lincoln and surrounding counties are encouraged to try out.
Parental permission, medical consent and information forms are required to try out and can be found at http://denvernuggetsnc.teampages.com.
For more information, contact Chip Ashley, at denvernuggetsbasketball21@gmail.com or at (704) 718-5136.