CRAWDADS: Tied for first with West Virginia after shutout loss in Charleston, S.C. CHARLESTON, S.C. – Dermis Garcia’s home run was just one of three hits for Charleston (S.C.) on Wednesday night, and it was enough to push the RiverDogs past the visiting Hickory Crawdads 2-0. Garcia hit a two-run shot in the sixth inning — his seventh of the season — as Charleston won before a crowd of 3,411 in a …

CRAWDADS: Fall in Charleston, S.C., but get help to remain in division lead CHARLESTON, S.C. – The Baseball Gods keep smiling favorably on the Hickory Crawdads. Charleston (S.C.) scored twice in the eighth inning on Tuesday night in a South Atlantic League (SAL) series opener to beat visiting Hickory 4-3, but the Crawdads are still in first place in the Northern Division. With Kannapolis nipping Greensboro 4-0 and West Virginia’s game at …

CRAWDADS: Swat Fireflies to stay a game up in division title race HICKORY – With eight regular-season games to go, the Hickory Crawdads are hanging tough. They had 15 hits on Saturday night and toppled visiting Columbia (S.C.) 11-7 at L.P. Frans Stadium to remain alone in first place in South Atlantic League (SAL) baseball. Before a crowd of 2,725, the Crawdads improved to 63-69 overall and 36-26 in the second …

CRAWDADS: Still tied for first as they face Fireflies on Saturday night HICKORY – The Crawdads face Columbia (S.C.) on Saturday at 7 p.m. as a team still tied for a division lead. Columbia nipped Hickory 3-1 on Friday night before 4,925 at L.P. Frans Stadium, and Greensboro kept pace with a 4-1 win over Rome (Ga.) as the battle for the South Atlantic League (SAL) Northern Division title continues. The …

CRAWDADS: Shut out Shorebirds, move back into first place alone DELMARVA, Md. – Charles Leblanc drove in three runs — and all nine hitters in the Hickory lineup had at least one hit — in a 6-0 victory over Delmarva (Md.), as the Crawdads moved into first place alone again on Thursday night. Hickory (62-68, 35-25 second half) opened a one-game lead on Greensboro (33-25) after Kannapolis beat the …