WELCOME to another year of local sports coverage — highlighted by teams in high school varsity sports in the Catawba Valley 2A Athletic, Western Foothills 3A and Northwestern 4A — plus Draughn and Patton in Burke County.

I have been slowed by some significant health problems since early in 2023 but recovering well… and regaining some speed, etc.
But I fell (again) about six weeks ago and I am healing from a broken right rib and a broken elbow in my right arm.
Thank you to the folks who’ve continued to support the site (see their ads), allowing you to read nearly 8,000 articles since we started the website, and we have more than 2.5 million page views since my friend and mentor Dwayne Wilson encouraged me to prolong my career in covering local sports. Hard to believe that was 9 years ago.
I covered Dwayne and his son, both of whom played football for Maiden High, and I am approaching covering my first third generation of athletes as I chase a goal of reaching 50 years covering preps in the 2025-2026 school year.
I am announcing — Lord willing — I will retire at the end of the 25-26 school year unless my health (or doctors) tell me to go after the 2025 football season.
Fifty years at one task is enough and does not include the 6 years of work i did in sports as a student a Bandys High (Class 1976).
Hope you continue to enjoy HobbsDailyReport.com.
You can reach me at chobbs001@att.net.
Chris Hobbs
Editor/Content Coordinator