HIGH SCHOOL SCHEDULE: Tuesday through Saturday varsity events




HobbsDailyReport.com encourages head coaches or their representatives to report results from each event, by e-mail, to chobbs001@att.net as soon as possible after the event is complete.
We will publish all scores we receive from Catawba Valley 2A Athletic, Western Foothills 3A and Northwestern 3A-4A schools plus Draughn and Patton and will start varsity basketball standings after a few games have been played. 
We work on a scorelist and updated standings for the website every night until at least midnight.
To assure your team’s results being available each night/early morning on HobbsDailyReport.com, e-mail us this information (always be sure to include first and last names for every player mentioned):
WRESTLING: Same as every year, include final team score and the score at each weight class in each match, i.e. First name, last name (school) d. First name, last name (school) with a score of the elapsed time until a pin.
BASKETBALL: Traditional box score will include number of points by quarter for the visiting team and the home team, plus all individual scoring that add up to the team’s points scored. Those players who score 10 or more points should be listed with first and last names… players with fewer than 10 should be listed by last name and each player who gets into the game should be listed by last name even if they do not score. Include leaders and notes, key facts or key buckets and other information as needed. Include each team’s overall and conference record.

Varsity events scheduled Tuesday through Saturday for area high school winter sports teams, compiled from schedules of those schools that responded to a request for a schedule.

Girls’ basketball games generally begins in a range of 5:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., based on what time the junior varsity games are completed, and the varsity boys then play.

Events have game times, if available, but they are subject to change… and if dates are moved or schools trade home dates after the original scheduled were provided, those events may not be included  (we will update if the schools let us know of those changes).

For more details on any events, contact the athletic department of the home school.

We encourage coaches to report results as soon as possible after they are completed by e-mailing chobbs001@att.net.

We will be working every night that events are played and post a scorelist, the summaries we receive and — after enough events are played — updated standings nightly in varsity basketball.





Catawba Valley 2A Athletic

Bandys at Newto-Conover

E. Burke at Lincolnton

Maiden at Bunker Hill

W. Caldwell at W. Lincoln

Western Foothills 3A

E. Lincoln at St. Stephens

Fred T. Foard at N. Lincoln

N. Iredell at Statesville

W. Iredell at Hickory

Northwestern 3A-4A

Hibriten at Ashe County

S. Caldwell at Freedom

Watauga at Alexander Central


Patton at Brevard


Catawba Valley 2A Athletic

Bunker Hill at Maiden, 7 p.m.

Lincolnton at E. Burke, 7 p.m.

Newton-Conover at Bandys, 5:30 p.m.

W. Lincoln at W. Caldwell, 7 p.m.

Western Foothills 3A

E. Lincoln, Statesville at N. Iredell, 5 p.m.

Hickory, N. Lincoln at W. Iredell, 5 p.m.


Fred T. Foard at Kings Mountain, 5:30 p.m.

St. Stephens at W. Rowan, 5 p.m.


Catawba County Championships, Hickory YMCA, 6 p.m.



Avery County at Draughn

Carson at Statesville


Northwestern 3A-4A at Watauga, 6 p.m.



Western Foothills 3A

N. Lincoln at Hickory

Northwestern 3A-4A

Ashe County at Freedom



Catawba Valley 2A Athletic

Bandys at W. Caldwell

Bunker Hill at Newton-Conover

Lincolnton at Maiden

W. Lincoln at E. Burke

Western Foothills 3A

Fred T. Foard at Hickory

N. Iredell at E. Lincoln

N. Lincoln at W. Iredell

St. Stephens at Statesville

Northwestern 3A-4A

Alexander Central at S. Caldwell

Hibriten at Watauga


Chase at Patton

Draughn at Mountain Heritage


Catawba Valley 2A Athletic

Bunker Hill at Newton-Conover, 5:30 p..m. (also Wilkes Central)

E. Burke at W. Lincoln, 7 p.m.

Maiden at Lincolnton, 5:30 p.m. (also Lincoln Charter)

W. Caldwell at Bandys, 5:30 p.m. (also Mountain Island Charter)

Western Foothills 3A

E. Lincoln, W. Iredell at St. Stephens, 5 p.m.

N. Iredell, N. Lincoln at Fred T. Foard, 5 p.m.

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