HobbsDailyReport.com encourages head coaches or their representatives to report live scores as soon as possible after events are completed. In basketball, report traditional box scores with score by quarters and individual scoring that adds up to team scoring totals (first and last names of all double figure scorers). Regular reporting will enable us to provide timely basketball standings.
E. Burke, Freedom, Foard boys
among teams now sidelined
Alexander Central High’s varsity boys’ basketball team joined the list of those in quarantine on Thursday.
Also going under quarantine during this week have been the Fred T. Foard boys, Freedom’s girls and boys, Draughn’s girls and East Burke’s boys.
Foard’s boys did not play at Patton on Thursday, moving it to Feb. 29, and athletic director Samy Shreitah said that’s the only game the Foard boys expect to miss.
The Tigers did not play on Jan. 14 as scheduled against West Iredell (now. Jan. 29) and at Hibriten on Tuesday (now Feb. 12).
In what may be an incomplete list – some schools and school systems have been reluctant to confirm COVID-19 cases – these varsity teams have been sidelined this season:
Boys: Draughn, Patton, West Iredell; Girls: Lincolnton, Hickory, Maiden and West Caldwell.
Schools are working to try to complete full 14-game schedules, if possible, but some have already cancelled games.
The makeup boys’ game between Hickory and Freedom on Thursday was not played and has been cancelled (they’ll play at Freedom on Feb. 8).
Friday’s East Burke at Draughn doubleheader has also been cancelled.
In a press release, Alexander Central officials said a close contact exposure prompted the decision to sideline the team for 14 days.
The Cougars are working to reschedule the games they’ll miss – Friday at home against Hickory, at South Caldwell on Tuesday and Feb. 2 at home against Watauga.
Alexander Central is scheduled at home on Feb. 5 against St. Stephens.
“This is a very unfortunate situation that our …team is going through,” Alexander Central principal Gordon Palmer said in the press release. “Once we were notified of the exposure, we evaluated the situation and have implemented the protocols issued both locally and by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association.”